Hygiene and Mold Remediation Services in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basellandschaft, Solothurn, and Aargau.
Do you live or is your company located in the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basellandschaft, Solothurn, or Aargau and have questions about hygiene or mold remediation? We are your competent partner, offering comprehensive services to address your concerns.
Here is an overview of our services:
- Analysis of hygiene issues: We conduct a thorough analysis of your premises to identify potential hygiene issues.
- Surface disinfection through cold fogging: Using modern cold fogging technology, we ensure effective surface disinfection.
- Air disinfection through fogging: Through targeted fogging techniques, we guarantee reliable air disinfection.
- Ozone odor elimination: Our ozone treatment service eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring fresh air.
- Pest control for storage and plant protection through fogging: We employ innovative fogging methods to efficiently combat pests and ensure your storage and plant protection.
- Air germ measurement: If needed, we conduct air germ measurements, including validation (sporicidal/bactericidal) and documentation.