Floor cleaning
Floor Cleaning Services in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basellandschaft, Solothurn, and Aargau
Is your home or business in the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basellandschaft, Solothurn, or Aargau in need of professional floor cleaning? If the appearance of your floor no longer meets your standards, we are the perfect choice for you.
Our comprehensive floor cleaning services include:
- Parquet cleaning and oiling: We restore the shine of your parquet by thoroughly cleaning and treating it with high-quality oil.
- Parquet sanding and sealing: For a renewed surface, we sand your parquet floor and seal it to ensure its longevity.
- Porcelain stoneware cleaning and impregnation: We effectively clean your porcelain stoneware and protect it with professional impregnation.
- Natural stone cleaning, grinding, and crystallizing: Our service encompasses the cleaning, grinding, and crystallization of natural stone floors for an impressive appearance.
- Terrazzo cleaning, grinding, and impregnation: We bring terrazzo floors back to life through cleaning, grinding, and impregnation.
- Wooden terrace cleaning and oiling: We thoroughly clean your wooden terrace and protect it with high-quality oil.
- Linoleum cleaning and coating: We ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of linoleum floors through professional cleaning and coating.
- Carpet cleaning and impregnation: Our specialized techniques ensure thorough carpet cleaning and protective impregnation.